Your shopping basket displays the goods you have purchased with an indication of the delivery timescale. We will notify you if your goods are not able to be dispatched within this timescale, e.g. some ‘made to order’ goods may take longer. The costs for delivery are shown depending on the shipping destination and the delivery service selected. Any delivery times quoted are estimates, based on availability and normal delivery time. Please note that there may be some products that we do not ship to certain destinations, which will be indicated in the shopping basket. Should a delivery of goods be returned by a courier, through no fault of our own, then we reserve the right to deduct any carriage fee charged from any subsequent refund.
Any specific timescales for delivery and/or collection which the Company gives are estimates only, this includes 24 hour service. The Company shall not be deemed to be in breach of the Contract or have any liability to the Customer (whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise and howsoever arising) for any failure to fulfill any delivery and/or collection within any specified timescales.
If your order is under £600.00 you will have the option to pay for economy delivery or priority delivery. If we are unable to dispatch next day and it is at fault of the business you will be reimbursed the difference between Economy and Priority Shipping only.
Sometimes, for whatever reason - you may want to return a product to us, and that's okay! If you wish to make a return you can contact our returns team on 0151 703 0044 or email
We will only accept returns on products if;
- The item is not a food or drink item
- An error has been made on our behalf
- The product has been damaged in transit
Order Issues/Refund
In the circumstance that a product is damaged, or an order is wrong - please try to inform us within 48 hours of receiving your order. No credits will be issued if not reported within 48 hours.
You can track your orders using the link below
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Track Your NWT Delivery | Track Your DPD Delivery | Track Your Evri Delivery |
Not sure who your order is being sent with, or having issues tracking your order? Contact us on 0151 703 0044 or email